Helen’s philosophy book about film called ‘Psychocinema’ will be published by Polity in its ‘Theory Redux’ series in September 2024.

Her short story ‘Babyface’ with Everyday Analysis Press is available here.

Outside of her own films, she has worked as a writer for hire and story consultant on a range of videos, games, narrative film and television projects, including with video games studio Field Day Labs at the University of Wisconsin. Her work in games development has been funded by Future Screens.

She has been a writer on, and developed, a premium four-part documentary mini series with Vice Studios.

She writes political essays and is contributing editor at Sublation Magazine.

She keeps a Substack, where she posts essays and fiction, called Dialectical Material Girl.

For fun, Helen wrote a crime novel with her mother, which you can listen to as an audiobook here.

As a copywriter and translator, Helen has worked with brands such as Loewe and in the music and food industries.